CORIL (COmputing Research for Impact on Lives)

Department of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong
Bioinformatics, Data Science, Machine Learning, Computational Intelligence, and Text Analysis

Hong Kong, 香港, Data Science, Deep Learning, Representation Learning, Data Embedding, CNN, RNN, LSTM, BiLSTM, GRU, GAN, Inception Module, Attention Module, Data Visualization, Bioinformatics, Computatoinal Biology, Transfer Learning, Biomedical Text Mining, Text Analysis, Text Mining, Probabilistic Graphical Models, Bayesian Networks, Factor Graphs, Hidden Markov Models, Asian, Asia, East Asian, CRISPR, SNPs, SNVs, Statistical Inference, Statistical Tests, Gene Regulation, Sequencing, ChIP-seq, RNA-seq, Hi-C, 3D Genomics, Cancer Informatics, Disease, Microbiome, DNA Motifs, Transcription Factors, Transcription Factor Binding Sites, Protein-DNA Binding Interactions, Differential Evolution, Genetic Algorithm, Evolutionary Computation, Feature Selection, Classification, Clustering, Numerical Optimization, Evolutionary Optimization, XGBoost, Random Forest, Support Vector Machine (SVM), Ensemble Learning, Association Rule Mining, Artificial Neural Networks, Artificial Intelligence

Group Leader: Ka-Chun Wong (PhD Toronto) [Email]
[Hong Kong Profile] [Google Scholar] [Toronto Profile] [ResearchGate] [AcademicFamilyTree]

Group Members: (sorted by position and surname)

PhD Graduates: (selected and sorted by year and surname)

Group Alumni: (sorted by year and surname)

Recommended Applied Machine Learning / Data Mining Websites:
scikit-learn(Python) TensorFlow(Python) Weka(Java) RStudio(R) rOpenSci(R) ggplot2(R) UCI datasets

Recommended Computing Services:
CityU(CS) CityU(HPC) GroupServers(Email) CityU CS VPN CityU VPN

Recommended Self-Learning Websites:
Coursera Quora OpenStax QuoraShot1 QuoraForPhDstudents PhD Comics

Recommended Bioinformatics Websites:
ToolRegistry OMICtools Biostars SEQanswers Bioconductor EnsemblTraining

Recommended English Language / LaTeX / BibTex Support Services:
CityU(ELSS) Pronounciation(Forvo) LaTeX WikiBook TeXstudio LyX TeXMed JabRef


*** PhD Student / PostDoc Recruitment ***

We always have self-financed/funded (i.e. with fully funded scholarships covering living costs and tuition fee) positions available for graduate students (PhD/Master) and postdoctorial scholars. Please send an email (with your CV and other supporting materials) to us if you are interested. Especially, PhD applicants are highly encouraged to apply for the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (About USD$ 3200 per month (tax free)). If unsuccessful, your application will be considered for normal studentship (more than USD$2000 per month, tax free). Please put down "Ka-Chun Wong" as your potential supervisor in your applications (i.e. please type "Ka-Chun Wong" in the question "If you have contact any CityU academic staff member, please provide his/her fullname." in the *Other Information* section in the CityU(HK) graduate school application system); otherwise, your applications may not reach us. (***Please click here to send an email to us***). More information can be found at Graduate School. You have to apply thorough the graduate school via this link. In the past years (since 2015), PhD offers have already been given to students from Hong Kong, Mainland China, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Parkistan, India, Canada, France, USA, and UK.

A suitable candidate should have ALL of the following good (not necessarily excellent) qualifications: